
Linda H - Westfield, Indiana

"Mario added a lot of valuable insights this time. He really knows this topic."

Linda H - Westfield, Indiana

"Superb Speaker!! Excellent topic!! Timeless and invaluable!!!"

Paul M - Spokane Valley, Washington

"I enjoyed John's information and presentation very much and hope to see more from him in the future. Thanks!"

Linda H - Westfield, Indiana

" "

Kimberly M

"Nice course. Important to remember this content in all interactions."

Maureen N

"Interesting course. "

Jayne B

"Interesting course. "

Terrie R

"I liked his personal stories related to the topic"

Dennis A - Caseville, Michigan

"Great information"

Patric Z - Lutz, Florida

"A very good course which looks like it belongs in a MBA curriculum."